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After my studies of industrial design in the National School of Art - La Cambre - Brussels, I built up substantial experience, in Belgium and abroad. I got the opportunity to discover how design works in practice, firstly through agencies, and also by working as an in-house designer at manufacturers.

I joined the family communication agency Médiane at the start of 2010. Besides the graphic projects, I  launched the industrial design business. 

Start 2017, I get out of Médiane to devote myself entirely to product design.

Since then I have been working as a consultant mainly for Belgian and cross-border companies in the outdoor sector.


Après mes études de design industriel à l'Ecole Nationale des Arts Visuels de La Cambre à Bruxelles, j'acquiers mes premières expériences, en Belgique et à l'étranger. J'ai l'occasion de découvrir différentes pratiques du design, en agence mais aussi en tant que designer interne chez des fabricants.

Début 2010, je rejoins l'agence de communication familiale Médiane.

Outre le développement de projets graphiques, j'y lance l'activité de design industriel.

Début 2017, je me retire de Médiane pour me consacrer entièrement au design industriel.

Depuis, je travaille en consultance principalement pour des entreprises belges et transfrontalières dans le secteur outdoor.


Since January 2023

Teacher at Atelier Saint-Luc Brussels - Space design workshop - level 2

Since January 2017
Freelance industrial Designer
Launched of design studio 100% dedicated to industrial design

2010 - 2017

Employed then Co-owner of Médiane

• Creation of graphic supports

• Launched the industrial design department:
development of own projects and external desing consultancy

2010 - 2011

«Creation and Growth» management training - Creation, development and management of SMEs
at Solvay Brussels Business School



Fixed-term contract at Gandia Blasco (Valencia, Spain) - Outdoor furniture manufacturer



Internship at Stûv - Belgian wood burning fireplace manufacturer

Fixed-term contract at Agua - Town planning and landscaping agency



Erasmus student at the Lahti University of Applied Sciences - Institute of Design (Finland)

2002 - 2007

Studied Industrial Design at l’Ensav La Cambre (Brussels)
1st class honours (for the project Bikok)



MAD as TriaxesPro expert
MAD (Brussels Center of Fashion and Design) offers a service named TRIAXESpro, bringing together three experts, namely an engineer, a business developer and an industrial designer. They work together on the development of an industrial product to be mass-produced.

Reconnue Expert TRIAXESpro par le MAD

Le programme TRIAXESpro du MAD est un programme économique dont la méthode de travail unique est spécifiquement destinée aux entrepreneurs Bruxellois. Inspirée par le processus de R&D utilisé dans les grandes entreprises, elle propose un accompagnement par une équipe de 3 experts professionnels (un ingénieur, un business developer et un designer industriel), pour le développement d'un produit industriel réalisé en série. Les experts sélectionnés sont formés à la méthodologie de travail collaborative TRIAXESpro, lors d'une journée de formation et au travers des missions confiées.
Ce service est principalement dédié aux PME, Spin-off et indépendants de la Région Bruxelloise.

AWEX as Design specialist
Awex (Walloon export agency) offers this service to develop the presence of SMEs abroad.



Labellisée Spécialiste en Design par l'AWEX

Pour soutenir le lancement d'un produit existant sur un nouveau marché export, l'AWEX propose aux PME wallonnes , une subvention couvrant 50% des honoraires de prestataires labellisés. Ce service de conseil porte sur l'adaptation du design de produits existants aux spécificités de marchés étrangers.



Murvert - Modular green wall - Murvert                                   
Tcharbon - Packaging 40 and 20L - ITS Wood


Tente Crusoé - Timber frame tent - Cabanon                                   
Tente Vendredi
- Timber frame tent - Cabanon


Shelter - Wooden shelter - Scidus                                   
Passport holder  - Tyvek accessories - Nowa

Card sleeve - Tyvek accessories - Nowa


Sego - Folding seat - Cacoonworld

Cubo - Wooden mobile home - Préfabois

Shayp - Water leak detector - Shayp



Tente Robinson - Timber frame tent - Cabanon                                   
Origami - Tyvek coin purse - Nowa



Jagger - Multi-functional tent for events - G3 presents 

Biscaya - family tent - Cabanon


Neva - Cutlery - Eternum   
Pampus - Inflatable Tent - G3 presents

Wolin - Friendship shelter - G3 presents    
Easy Tent - Camping Tent - G3 presents



Dom'Up - Suspended Shelter - Trees & People


Equis - Chair - De Zetel   

Table 4U - Dinning Table - De Zetel         



Participation to the Circo Workshop "Creating business through circular design" organised by Wallonie Design - Liège 

Participation to a "Collective intelligence" Workshop - organised by CPFB - Louvain-La-Neuve


Speaker at the Workshop "Adding value to my design work" organised by Wallonie Design - Charleroi


• Exhibition «Duos en Résonances» organised by Wallonie Design at La maison des Arts de Schaerbeek - Brussels (BE) - From 10 to 18 December, 2021


• Exhibition «Generous Nature» under the Label Belgium is Design at the Milan Design Week - Milan (IT)  - From april 9 to april 14, 2019


• Exhibition «Design on track» at the Design Station - Liège (BE)  - From october 1 to november 1, 2015

• Salon Ambiante - Eternum - Hall 3.1 stand D52 - Frankfurt (DE) - 13 to 17 February 2015



• Exhibition «La matière des nuages» in the Wallonie-Bruxelles Center  Paris (FR) - From april 30 to may 25, 2014



• Design September - Exposition Dialogue - Belgian designers and industry - Brussels (BE) - From September 9 to October 19, 2013

• Exhibition «La matière des nuages» in the MUBE - Sao Paulo (Brazil) - From September 7 to October 10, 2013

• Exhibition «De Nieuwe Oogst» in the Design Vlaanderen Gallery - Brussels (BE) - From March 29 to May 26, 2013



• Salon Intérieur - Kortrijk (BE) ​- 20 to 28 october 2012

De Zetel - Hall 5, Stand 554 - De Zetel - Buda Island, Intérieur Bistro - Mad About Chairs - Hall 6, Stand 617 

• Biennale internationale du design de Liège - Reciprocity - Exposition Memorabilia - Liège (BE) - 5 to 28 october 2012

• Design September - Exposition Homologie - Brussels (BE) - 8 to 30 september 2012
• Maison et Objet - NOW! Design à vivre - Paris (FR) - 7 to 11 September 2012

• ContRact - Brussels (BE) - 13 and 14 June 2012

• Design district - Zaandam (NL) - 7 to 9 June 2012


• Maison et Objet - Paris (FR) - De Zetel (Z-chair) - Hall 7 - Stand G164 - 9 to 12 September 2011

• Contract trade show - Brussels (BE) - De Zetel - June 2011



• Dynamo Belgian Young Design Awards - September 2010

Vitra and Sofam design prizes for the Table 4U, Paonne and project Bikok 

• Design & Bois competition at the Bois & Habitat 2010 trade show  - Namur (BE) - March 2010

1st prize in the professional designers category for the Table 4U

• «Outdoor furniture design contest» organised by Gandia Blasco - Valencia (ES) - September 2010



• «Évocation» Exhibition at the design biennale - Liège (BE) - September & October 2008

• «Talente» Exhibition - Munich (DE) - March 2008



• «Tremplin» Exhibition 2007 - Mons (BE) - September to November 2007

World Crafts Council prize - French-speaking community of Belgium, for the project Bikok

© Louise Charlier

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